Harpers Ferry Woodwork Website
As a new business, Harpers Ferry Woodwork needed an online presence to expand their client base and help grow their business by:
- Showcasing their offerings and selling products online
- Providing a contact point for custom woodworking requests
- Building their reputation with an online presence and through customer reviews
- Managing online orders and sales
- Analyzing interest via search impressions and clicks
For easy management, I built the Harpers Ferry Woodwork website in WordPress and used the WooCommerce plugin for sales and shipping management. Popular product categories are featured on the home page and each product has its own listing on the shop page.
Via the Woo app, the owner of Harpers Ferry Woodwork can now easily track and manage orders and add new products, all from his phone.
After finishing the website, I set up the business’s shop tab on Facebook, on which products are automatically synced from the website. I also set up Google shopping ads, to ensure that their products appear in Google searches within a specified radius of the business.